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    important Wordpress Seo Tips

    Wordpress SEO Tips By Blogging Need

    Wordpress SEO Consists of two main areas: the inner pages and station. In the site search engine optimization link analysis, backlinks, page SEO is all about keyword position, metadata description, title, and so on. In this tutorial, I will only discuss the keyword page optimization.
    We all know that as Google and other search engines become very clever, excessive use of keywords, not a good way but also calls our wealth.

    We should put those keywords it? We need much More keywords?

    (1)page content

    Sometimes we focus too much on the quality of keywords, and forget the quality of the content itself, which is done on the pages of the search engine optimization of the most common mistakes. Visitors take it as a priority, Google will strictly in search of SEO terminology. The problem now is that we want to write the contents of a machine or a human? Of course, we want visitors to our site by keyword, so that search engine robots can read it, but we should also remember that we are human beings for the content of the page, so the page content is also very important.
    Look At Below Example:
    It's easy to see that the left looks very fake example, repeated many keywords, how interested readers can find it, read on it? Meanwhile, on the right hand side of the examples look more natural, visitors can see more content, but also contain a primary key.

    Good keyword density should be from 2-5%. To be honest, I'm not too worried about it, and focus on creating a good content that people will enjoy reading.

    I put the key to put where?

    In addition to your main content, there are many places where you can put your keywords tell the search engine what your content is. They are the title, meta description, title and subtitle, image ALT tags, and so on. How Meta keywords? Well, you can forget about it as Google is no longer using the keyword meta tag in web search ranking.


    Obviously, readers will read your headline, title is the foundation and the important position of search engines, by heading to let visitors know what is inside.

    The title character is best controlled at 60 to content. More or less have to take your main keyword in the title there, which is very important.

    (3)Meta Description Tags

    In addition to the title, your site / content must have a description. You can not exactly tell the search engines what your site is about at 60 characters, which is why you need a short description of the content (control at 150-160 characters). In the description contains the keyword will be of great help in the search results pages, especially those keywords in your title match keywords

    WordPress is an SEO friendly CMS, you can fully realize the WordPress search engine to himself. SEO plugins, like the WordPress plugin WordPress SEO Without a Plugin is your good choice.


    Your title <H1> is as important as the subtitle (<H2> - <H6>) will definitely make you look and content related to search engine optimization friendly. Subtitle seeks priority hierarchy. NOTE: <h1> preferable to use only the title and should not be used by other contents.

    How to do keyword subtitle? Analyze your title and meta description, the Google will see your subtitle to learn more about your content. In short keyword is to tell the robot what keywords you want priority. Again, do not overuse it because nobody wants to read subtitled similar phrases and words all over gain.

    (4)Alt Tag For Images

    After users add their image content, will help search engines understand your content graphic ALT tags are often overlooked. In fact, search engine optimization gurus will not miss any of the image alt tags. If you want a web search engine optimization best results, do not be lazy, in all the images / graphics add ALT tags.
    Search engine friendly images plugin will automatically get the title of each image ALT tags and title tags.
    To sum up, I just want to repeat the basic point: too many keywords will be detrimental to your website. Write a good content to attract visitors is one of the best methods.

    if you have any problem then please feel free to ask me
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    Item Reviewed: important Wordpress Seo Tips Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Bilal Liaqat
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